The Premise
In 2021, Sport Calgary was unable to pursue the planning of their annual All Sport events due to restrictions on in-person events at the time.
With the side effects of the pandemic in full force, many families and individuals involved in the sport community were experiencing isolation and boredom and were looking for opportunities to stay active and involved in the Calgary sport community.
Sport Calgary created an initiative to provide opportunities for Calgarians to meet with members of Calgary’s sport communities online to learn more about a given sport community in the Calgary area and to see if the sport is right for them.
The online events were hosted in an interactive setting using Zoom Meetings.
As of May 2021, Sport Calgary has hosted 5 Faces of Calgary Sport events over the past 3 months. The topics include biathlon, orienteering, disc golf, pickleball, and the water sports of sailing, rowing, and canoe/kayak.
Sport Calgary also partnered with KidSport Calgary, the Calgary Flames Equipment Bank, and Canadian Tire Jumpstart to host a special Sport Funding for Families event talking about funding opportunities for families.
The Logo
In creating the logo, the intent of the event series was to be ongoing and since there were going to be many speakers of different backgrounds featured, an anonymous silhouette was created to represent the "Faces" being featured in the online events.

Full Coloured Image of the Final Logo in the Sport Calgary Colours
Capturing the Voices of Calgary Sport: The Interview Videos
We included interviews of athletes and volunteers The videos were recorded by the athletes & volunteers and the graphics for the questions and lower thirds were added in the final cut.
An example of the interview videos that were created and shown during the Faces of Calgary Sport events
Promotional Material
Promotional material was created and was circulated by email to the Sport Calgary Board and Committee, relevant community members in sport, Sport Calgary's social media channels, the Sport Calgary newsletter, and submitted to online event calendars targeting families with young children in the Calgary area (SIRC, ChatterBlock, Tourism Calgary's Event Listings, Sport Calgary Event Listings, etc.)
This was a joint effort conducted by all Sport Calgary staff.

Final Product and Impact
As of May 2021, Sport Calgary has hosted 6 events over 3 months with over 200 people having attended at least one of the events live.
In a COVID world where sport and activity is prohibited, the Faces of Calgary Sport event has given sport organizations the opportunity to provide a platform to talk about their sport in an online environment.